Jack Quaid (Jack Quaid) in the 1980s, the SEXBOT terrorist comedy “partner”, “scope”: “TOPSTORY”: “Index”: 1, “Title”: “Jack Quaid,” Image ” “” Https://specials-images.Forbesimg.com/imageServe/679d52AA81ACD11F592DF592DFB9/290×0.jpg? M “:” AM “ISEDT”: False, “UNFORMATTEDDATE”: 1738418400000, “URI”: “https:” HTTPS: // https: //www .Forbes.com/Simonthopson/2025/02/01/Jack- AID -channeled-80S-John-cusack-for-sexbot-horror-horror-comedy-companion/“}}}},“ id” “ TextContent”:”
If Billie Eilish has won a special Grammy Award, “Scope”: “TopStory”: “Index”: 2, “Title”: Grammy “,” Image “:” HTTPS: //specials- Images.forBesimg. com/imageserve/65c14765afe6509b907a588e/290×0.jpg”,“ ishappeningNowarticle”: ,“ Hour -Minute”:“ 09:00”,“ AMPM”:“ AM”,“ ISEDT”:FALSE,“ UNFORMATTEDDATE”:1738418400000,“ “Uri”: “https://www.Forbes.com/sites.com/sites/sites/sites/houghmcintyRe Swift-IF-SHE-HAAAA-PECIAL-GRAMMY/”},” ID “:” 64ijhlcfeb2400 “}, TextContent”: “
When the band again rules “,” scope “: ” TopStory “: ” index “: 3,” title “:” Drives the chart, as the band rules “again”, “disturb” charts, when the band hit again “Scope”: “index”: 3, “index”: “index”: image “:” https://specials-forbesimg.com/imageServe/667AD76F1E88dc57FF61c/290×0.jpg “” 08: 4: 4: 4 5 ” , “AMPM”: “AM”, “Isett”: False, “UnformattedDate”: 1738417500000, “URI”: “https://wwww.ForxiCom/sites/sites/hughmcintyre/2025/02 /01 /Distress-A New-Top-10-Hit-as as-Band-Rules-Again/”,” ID “:” B4HBCMFF5KPK00 “, TextContent”: “:”
Bruno Mars and Michael Jackson broke his tie with Michael Jackson, in HOT 100 “,” range “: ” Internet “: ” INDEX “: 4,” Title “:” Bruno Mars ” Breaking the tie with Michael Jackson on HOT 100. Image “:”: “https://specials-images.Forbesimg.com/imageserve/679d47342e43b701F86a3/290×0.jpg”, “ISHA p pendingNoWARTICLE: “08:30”, “AMPM”: “AM”, “Isett”: False, “Unoformatteddate”: 1738416600000, “URI”: “https://wwww.forbes.com/sites/sites/hughmcintyre/2025/02/02/02/0 1/bruno- Mars-Breaks-His-Tie-With-Michael-Jackson-ON-HOT-100/”},” ID “:” DI6LB90FPID400 “}, TextContent”: “:”: “”
“Marriage at first sight” moves in the order of three seasons “,” range “: ” topstory “: ” index “: 5,” Title “:” Love at first sight ‘ : //Specials-images.Forbesimg.com/imageServe/679e1e13a293A293ADD28D28D7B02/290.jpg “2025”, “Hourminute”: “08:24”, “ampm”: “Am”, “Isetttt” “: False,” NofformattedDate “: 1738416242125, “URI”: “https:/” https://www.forBes.com/sites/Marcberman1/2025/02/01/married-Season-Seasonal Season/”Third Season/”}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} }}, “ID”: “9aaer93rogd800”}, TextContent ‘: “
FOO FIGHTERS is in the huge return of the chart: “range”: “TopStory”: “Index”: 6, “Title”: “Foo Fighters is a huge return on the chart”, “image”: “https:/ /Specials- Images.Forbesimg.com/imageServe/679d45c04D645A74BC8B38E5/290×0.jpg “,” IshaputNingNoWARTICLE “: Hours”: “: 08:15”, “ampm”, “ampm”, “IS”, “IS” EDT “: FALSE,” unformatteddate ” : 1738415700000, “URI”: “https://www.Forbes.com/sites.com/sites/sites/sites/sites/hughmcintyre/2025/02/01/foo-fighter-in-TH E -The-the-midder of-Agume-Comeback-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-‘}}} “29gah834mrcg00”}, “textContent”
Green Day can defeat U2’s Grammy record in another victory. , “Image”: “” “” https://specials-images.forBesimg.com/imageServe/679d444486492184bc113effcd/290×0.jpg”, Shappeningsowartical”ishaPpendingn Owarticle “: false”: false “: falsem 00” “,” ampm “:” AM “,” Isett “: FALSE,” Unformatteddate “: 1738414800000},” URI “:” https://wwww.Forbes.com/sites/sites/hughmcintyre/2025/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/02/ /01/Green -Day-COULD-Beat-U2S-Grammy-RECON-WITH -NTH-WIN/”}},” ID “:” 18G7M5AGHK9I00 “}, ” textContent “:”
The founder of Barry’s training camp has obtained his Hollywood rest, “range”: “TopStory”: “index”: 8, “Title”: //specials-forbesimg.com/imageServe/679d2746be14B40F70AB 4D /290×0.jpg”,jpg”,jpg “rishappeningNoWARTICLE”: false “: false, false, false”: “monthdayyeard: ” monthday ymonthday feb 1 ,20255 feb 1, 20255, “a mpm “:” am “,” IsEdt “: False,” Unformatteddate “: 1738407600000,” URI “:” https://www.forBes.com/sites/simonthomapson/2025/02/02/01/barry s-bootcamps -Filmmaking-Founder -Gets-His-Hollywood-Break/”,” ID “:” D68em95ckn4000 “],” breakpoint “:[“breakpoint”:”@media all and (max-width: 767px)”,”config”:”enabled”:false,”breakpoint”:”@media all and (max-width: 768px)”,”config”:”inView”:2,”slidesToScroll”:1,”breakpoint”:”@media all and (min-width: 1681px)”,”config”:”inView”:6];